
Brend Book Buisness ++ Full

$ 3481

Company Name Creation. It is created based on the company's name and primary activities.

It includes: creating and developing a corporate identity. Based on the corporate identity, the introduction of a brand book usage charter.


Category: Master branding
  • Company Name Creation. It is created based on the company's name and primary activities.
  • It includes: creating and developing a corporate identity. Based on the corporate identity, the introduction of a brand book usage charter.
  • Opening:
  • Original Logo. Original 3D Character, the face of the organization. Original Slogan.
  • Creating guidelines for font usage and corporate style.
  • Creating and designing business cards, brochures, advertising posters, and promotional items (calendar, notepad, pencil case, pen, mug, clock, etc.) in accordance with the corporate style. Creating and designing labels and packaged products with packaging formats that align with the corporate style.
  • Creating and designing corporate attire, format, that aligns with the corporate style.
  • Creating presentation formats for official websites and social media platforms that adhere to the corporate style (content, design, etc.).
  • Creating a marketing plan format that aligns with the corporate style.
  • Creating an advertising format that matches the corporate style.
  • Drafting and submitting documents for brand registration with the State Intellectual Property Agency, overseeing the entire process until the intellectual property is officially registered with the agency.
  • Maximum preparation period: 50 days.
  • The above-mentioned deadline pertains to the creation of the brand book. The organization is not responsible for the approval timeline of the intellectual property logo by the State Intellectual Property Agency.